October 2022 activities at the Hilton-Parma Senior Center

59 Henry Street, Hilton ∙ 392-9030
Senior Program Coordinator ∙ Sherry Farrell
Every Monday: Pinochle/Mah-Jong 8:30 and 10 a.m.; Craft Corner various Mondays at 10 a.m.; Bridge and Penny Poker at 1 p.m.
Every Tuesday: Chair Yoga 10 a.m.; Caseworker Service 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on the first and third Tuesdays; Lunch at noon (reservations required); Bus Service; Bingo at 1 p.m.
Wednesday: Weekly Senior express shopping trip and lunch, reservations required; Feature Film one Wednesday a month.
Thursday: Euchre at 1 p.m.
Monday-Friday: Walking available in the gym 9 to 10 a.m.
Tuesday Lunches (reservation required)
October 11 – Swedish Meatballs
October 18 – Meatloaf
October 25 – Stuffed Pepper
November 1 – Braised Pork Chop
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