Polling site changes affect some voters in Sweden and Brockport

I wanted to take some time to let my constituents know about changes to polling places in the Town of Sweden and the Village of Brockport on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8. New changes to New York State Election Law Section state that “Whenever a contiguous property of a college or university contains three hundred or more registrants who are registered to vote at any address on such contiguous property, the polling place designated for such registrants shall be on such contiguous property or at a nearby location recommended by the college or university and agreed to by the Board of Elections.”
SUNY Brockport is the only campus in Monroe County that qualifies and, as such, must be used as a polling place under state law. Because the previous polling site that was on the campus of Brockport Central School District would overlap Election Districts, the state demands that the site be at the College. The Board of Elections had many conversations and a site visit prior to agreeing to this site location. SUNY Brockport staff has been accommodating and the BOE has agreed to the Tuttle South Gymnasium. The finalized agreement includes ample RESERVED parking for voters in the row closest to the accessible entrance ramp. Each affected voter will receive a change of poll site letter which was mailed from the Monroe County Board of Elections by October 24, 2022. The Board of Elections staff will post yellow sheets of paper on the doors of the former polling location with a map directing voters to the new SUNY Brockport polling location. There will be extra “VOTE HERE” lawn signs put up to assist voters in finding both the parking lot and gym.
Early Voting began on Saturday, October 29, and will continue through November 6 at fourteen sites in Monroe County that anybody can vote at, including the Sweden Clarkson Community Center, 4927 Lake Road, Brockport. You can find polling hours on the Monroe County Board of Elections website at http://monroecounty.gov.
Thank you for exercising your right to vote.
Jackie Smith
Monroe County Legislator