
Farewell to 25 years of “Christmas On The Canal”

What do you think of when you imagine an old fashioned Christmas?  For me, in 1996, it meant presenting an idea to the Village of Spencerport of hosting a traditional Christmas celebration in a way that was not over commercialized, but rather simple and wholesome.  A fun outdoors event, beginning mid-day and ending soon after dark, in which this community of family and friends could enjoy the spirit of the season as the excitement of the upcoming holiday approached. 

Christmas music echoed down Union Street as mostly local entertainers and choirs performed seasonal songs on a portable stage loaned by the Village of Hilton.  It was a time for shy, and sometimes bold, visits with Santa Claus and his Mrs.  Free craft activities were enjoyed in the Children’s Tent.  There was a Living Nativity with a narration of the birth of Christ reenacted by angels and the holy family.  Horse drawn hayrides tread a leisurely pace around the block on the side streets throughout the day.  Merchants opened their shops along with the Spencerport Canal Museum where children could make a card for the troops.  Local dance studios performed on the street surrounded by the cheering crowd.  Hot chocolate, coffee and food vendors sustained you amidst the cold and swirling flurries.  Safety was never a concern as thankfully the Odgen Special Police stood watch and directed traffic all day and night as well as the Spencerport Volunteer Ambulance who was always there on call.

Church bells rang throughout the village at a dusky 5:00pm signaling the assembling at the gazebo for the lighting of the tree and some community carols.  A pastor offered a blessing and reminded us of the true meaning of the season.  Finally, it was time for the one mile Candlelight Caroling Stroll led by horse and wagon through the village streets, a glowing sight to behold with candles and carolers in tow, and the initial reason the event was presented.  We never missed stopping in front of Wedgwood Nursing Home bringing some joy as we caroled for the residents there.  Who knew when it began in 1996 that Christmas on the Canal was to become a hometown tradition that would ring throughout the village  for the next 25 years.

Last year the event  was labeled “24 & 1/2 years” when in actuality it was our 25th year.  Why did we do that?  In 2020 Covid 19 ravaged the country and the event was cancelled and so in 2021 a smaller event was held at the gazebo.   This was partly due to the construction on Union Street and East Avenue in which the area no longer could accommodate the Children’s Craft Tent.  Keeping the Living Nativity in the event also posed a lingering health issue as the remnants of Covid continued and the exchange of costumes amongst the public, as well as having people pet the animals, sealed the decision to omit the activity.  Lastly, it was not at all a safe idea to move either of these activities onto the banks of the canal with the assembling of the public. Thus the shortening of the title in December of 2021.

At this time it is with mixed emotions that I inform the community that there will no longer be another Christmas on the Canal.  In the future someone may begin another holiday event, but there will always be only one “Christmas on the Canal” that has filled our memories with this kind of gingerbread feeling. Twenty five years is a jubilee that can be recorded as one accomplished with pride, but mostly accomplished with a spirit of joyful giving to the community of Spencerport. 

All of you, your families and friends, will never know the immense joy you have given me as I watched, each year after months of planning, the streets fill up (always the second Sunday after Thanksgiving…) in celebration and unity of spirit.  I have watched you, your children and yes, even your grandchildren grow through the 25 years. I always said if I could ever write a script for a Hallmark movie this would be it.

How can I ever thank everyone?  It is impossible to name everyone here so please forgive any omissions.  I will start with some people I have had on my committee for many years such as my most dedicated team of Sandy Saylor, Gail McQuilkin, Jackie Lobene, Alice Sidoti, and the late Ted Walker.  Together we got it done over cups of cocoa, coffee and Gail’s cookies and desserts.  

Thank you to all of the following:  The Ogden Special Police, Spencerport Ambulance, the Rotary, the Kiwanis, the Lion’s, Spencerport Schools, Spencerport Chamber, Spencerport Canal Museum, Spencerport Tim Horton’s, the Town of Ogden and the Village of Spencerport.  A special thanks to Kate Hodder and Greg Dorgan for their unending help. Thank you to anyone who donated funds, and to Ralph (my elf) Parmalee who took the reins and kept donations coming in. Thanks to the local churches for the ringing of the bells; Good News Community Church for the Living Nativity, and to every Pastor who spread the message.  Much appreciation to Westside News for their gratuitous publicity of our press releases.

A heartfelt thanks to my husband Al, our son Nick and grandson Joe, our sons in law Gian Ruggiero and Dave Marianetti, for always being there before and during the event to set up or tear down in the freezing cold.  My daughters Amy, Alicia, and Christy volunteered in various ways whenever needed.  With the support of my family, my grandchildren and my dear friends, (who I wrangled into volunteering), what more could I have hoped for? They are the reason I will never lose my Christmas sparkle.

From the bottom of my heart, whether you helped with the entirety of this event or even one small helpful deed, just know that no effort has ever gone unappreciated.  They say it takes a village, and yes, it took one:  Spencerport Village. 

Thank you all for the wonderful years of a magical Christmas event that I will be forever proud and grateful to have been an integral part of.  It was truly a special place in time, forever engraved in a corner of our memories.  In parting I give you our motto and say for the last time: 

“God bless,….and a very Merry Christmas to all!”

Elaine Spaziano, Founder, Christmas on the Canal 1996

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