Spencerport veteran retires to a chapter of serving others

Bud Moran of Spencerport served in the Army as a 19-year-old in 1966. He spent most of his service time deployed in Germany during the Vietnam War. Moran served in the 3rd Infantry Division, C-company 1st of the 64th Armor Battalion, which provided support to the 1st of the 15th Infantry Regiment. Moran drove a 52-ton tank. “You either drive over it or through it,” he chuckled.
Although he was a young man when he was a soldier in the Army, Bud reflects on the life skills and work ethic that imprinted on his life thanks to these experiences serving our country. “Simple things like making your bed every morning were required by us and it was those daily regiments that taught me discipline, as well as respect for authority and taking pride in my work,” said Bud.
When Bud returned to civilian life 1968, being a veteran was not something you would share with most people. He recalls that many veterans who returned home during that era were spit at for their service. “It just wasn’t something you would discuss,” said Bud.
Before Bud left for his deployment, he planned to become a home builder, but when he came back to Rochester it was a brutal winter and his fiancé encouraged him to apply for a job a Xerox. This prompting led to a lifelong career working in the Information Technology Department at the company. Bud married his sweetheart in 1969 and they had three children and now four grandchildren.
Just before Bud’s 60th birthday he retired due to a downsizing at Xerox. He has been retired for almost 15 years now, but his retirement led him to a renewed purpose dedicated to helping local veterans and their families. In addition to enjoying his time with his family and granddaughters, he has been dedicating much of his time and heart in serving other veterans from the community.
For the past fifteen years, Bud has served as a member of the Ferris-Goodridge American Legion Post in Spencerport. He helps with upkeep of the property, cutting grass and maintaining the grounds. This led him to another volunteer opportunity with the Monroe County American Legion Honor Guard. The Honor Guard provides Military Honors Services for deceased veterans and the “Final Salute” which is rendered by the Honor Guard as a reverent and solemn service to bid a veteran farewell. The “Final Salute” consists of a prayer, the firing of the rifles, the sounding of taps, the folding and presenting of the American Flag under which the veteran served, and placing a poppy on the urn or casket signifiying the veteran will not be forgotten. Finally, a salute is executed with a blessing that the veteran rest in peace. Bud participates in more than two hundred veteran funerals a year.
Moran also is a volunteer with the Learn to Skate Program for Veterans offered by Compeer and the Rochester Amerks Alumni program. This program helps assimilate veterans from their military lifestyle to a civilian life. Often these are veterans who are coming from the VA hospital or facing service-related issues. On Sundays during the winter months, Bud can be found out on the ice helping at the veterans Sunday Family Skate events. The Amerks Alumni organization provides equipment and offers learn to skate lessons for veterans and their families. He has been a hockey player most of his life and met a lot of Amerk players through officiating games, so it was a natural fit for Bud to volunteer in this program. He helps with refereeing veterans’ hockey, but what he loves most is helping veterans and veterans’ children and grandchildren learn how to skate and, more importantly, how to overcome fear. “My favorite part is seeing their smiles,” said Bud.
Often when a person retires, they are looking for ways to do less. But Bud Moran has a different outlook. “When you retire from your job you must retire to something. Everything just takes a little longer now,” he chuckled.
For more information on Full Honor Services for veterans, visit https://monroeconyal.tripod.com/id13.html. For more information on Learn to Skate for Veterans, contact Compeer Rochester at 585-546-8280 or email emedina@compeerrochester.org.