
The Salvation Army is looking to fill thousands of volunteer opportunities

During the next couple of weeks, Salvation Army locations throughout the region will kick off their annual Red Kettle fundraisers and Christmas assistance programs. These programs will provide local families and individuals in need with food, clothing, and presents under the Christmas tree for their children.

“As the need for Salvation Army assistance has continued to increase due to current economic hardships, so has the need for volunteers,” said Major Kevin Stoops, Divisional Commander for The Salvation Army, Empire State Division.

“Volunteers are the backbone of The Salvation Army – the army behind the Army – and we cannot provide the services we do without volunteers coming along side us as partners in our mission of helping those most in need.”

In fact, according to Major Stoops, thousands of volunteers are needed locally to help The Salvation Army in its mission – especially during the next two months.

“Whether it’s ringing bells at a Red Kettle for a couple of hours, sorting donations of toys and clothing, or helping parents pick out that perfect Christmas present for their child at a Salvation Army toy shop, The Salvation Army has numerous and meaningful ways to serve others during the busy holiday season and beyond,” added Major Stoops.

Salvation Army services continue year-round – and so do the volunteer opportunities. All donations collected during Salvation Army fundraisers like the Red Kettle campaign, stay in the community to help local families and individuals.

To enquire about Salvation Army volunteer opportunities, call your local Salvation Army, or text “TSAVolunteer” to 51555.
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