Strand Theater getting a makeover courtesy of a Main Street Grant

The Village of Brockport, in collaboration with the owners of the Strand Theater, have received a Main Street Grant, the Village’s second. Totaling $108,525, this New York state grant, funded through the Housing Trust Fund, is for an “anchor property.” The historic 1907 movie theater certainly is an anchor, standing as the southernmost building in Brockport’s downtown corridor which is listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
The grant requires a 25% match from the business owner but no funds from the Village. Administration of the grant is covered by the funding. The Village’s responsibility is to assure that contracting for labor follows the stipulated procedures, meets all building/code requirements, and that the job is completed as planned.
“We are extremely honored and grateful to receive the Main Street Anchor Award on behalf of the Brockport Strand Theater,” said theater owners Jason and Jeff Yantz. “The Brockport Strand Theater has a very rich history that dates back many generations. This grant will help ensure that the Strand Theater will continue to operate as one of the oldest movie theaters in the country for future generations to enjoy. The proceeds from this grant will be used to update both restrooms, repair the roof and building structures, restore the front facade tiles to their former glory and various other projects. We would like to thank New York State for awarding us this grant and the community of Brockport for their continued support.”
Provided information. File photo.