Registration open for Hilton CSD Winter/Spring Community Education classes

Registration is now open for the Winter/Spring ‘23 semester of Hilton Community Education classes, several of which begin the second week of January. The brochure has been mailed to district residents and is available at
Programs include: craft classes, such as card and soap making; Sunday Brunch cooking class; driver training; a Petite Preschool class that meets once per week; finance classes; Aquafit and Zumba; piano and guitar classes; photography; winemaking; travel; and much more.
The online registration system at allows users to register fast by accepting credit card payments. To register by phone, call 585-392-1000, ext. 7044 from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday to pay with a credit card. Register by mail using the form in the brochure. Or, register in person from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday through Thursday at the District Offices located at 225 West Avenue, Hilton. Please have the registration form completed before arriving to submit registration and payment. There is also a drop box on the wall near the Security Desk where completed registration and payment can be left.
There is no extra charge for out-of-district residents unless noted.
For more information, contact the Community Education Office at 392-1000, ext. 7044, or email or
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