
Clarkson Water Improvement
Plan benefits residents

Fire hydrants save time and property

The Town of Clarkson has been pursuing the implementation of a Water Improvement Plan with the support of the leadership of the Brockport Fire District.

The Brockport Fire District does not participate in politics or political agendas. It does however pursue opportunities to improve its services to the communities it serves. Clarkson is no exception.

With the advent and the implementation of the Water Improvement Plan, we look forward to the opportunity to offer a higher quality fire protection service to the areas of the Town of Clarkson that will benefit from the plan. The main reason for this is the addition of fire hydrants on all roads receiving the new water mains as part of the plan.

If you are unaware, a fire hydrant is essentially an above-ground connection to the water main passing beneath. It allows firefighters to draw a large amount of water in a short period of time to control and put out fires more efficiently. Having a fire hydrant in close proximity to your residence is good news for anyone concerned about fire hazards and fire safety. When you have a fire in your home and you have no hydrants in the area, your community volunteers must bring the water in from areas that have them. This taxes your firefighters in ways not experienced by those in areas with hydrants.

A fire hydrant on a property can reduce your homeowner’s insurance rates.
While clearing snow from a fire hydrant does take extra effort and time, having a fire hydrant on the property isn’t a bad thing. In fact, if there is a fire hydrant on your property, be sure to share this information with your insurance company, because they may well reduce your homeowner’s insurance rates. The reason for this is relatively obvious: The closer a fire hydrant is to your property, the more likely it is that firefighters will be able to prevent significant damage to the home if it catches fire.

The Brockport Fire District is very interested in seeing the plan come to fruition; for the benefits listed here, and for the many other benefits all residents within the plan will enjoy.

Christopher R. Martin
Public Information Officer
Brockport Fire District

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