
Hawley responds to the
One-House Budget Proposal

Between the governor’s budget and the budget proposal from the Assembly Majority, more spending is on the agenda, and it’s going to hurt New Yorkers. Despite this dramatic inflationary period, the Majority is intent on asking New Yorkers to be taxed more in exchange for numerous programs that will likely never benefit Upstate residents. It is disappointing, irresponsible, and shameful.
I don’t believe more taxes are the solution. I would like to see New York rein in its spending to more manageable levels, where the necessities are taken care of, and the rest is considered case-by-case. Banning gas stoves or giving free healthcare to illegal immigrants is not helping our bottom line. Our spending habits in this state are unsustainable, and if they continue, we’re only going to set ourselves up for failure.

Assemblyman Steve Hawley
139th Assembly District

Hawley responds to governor’s high-rise plan

Assemblyman Steve Hawley (R,C-Batavia) joined fellow Assembly Republican colleagues on March 20 to stand against the governor’s proposed high-rise plan, which would force urban building in otherwise non-urban environments like suburban communities and rural farmlands. Local governments would be unable to stop any zoning law oversteps in this proposal. Hawley finds the proposal outrageous.

“This state government’s solution to everything is to treat a problem with a broad brushstroke, which has led to many other problems being born,” Hawley said. “This high-rise plan is another instance of a state government enforcing its will on localities whether they like it or not. It will undoubtedly lead to further problems like overcrowded schools, accelerated strains on local roads and bridges and the overtaking of land that could be dedicated to farming or small enterprise.”
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