St. George’s hosting grief support group

St. George’s Episcopal Church in Hilton is hosting a “Loss, Grief and Healing Support Group” in a safe, confidential environment for healing after the loss of a loved one.
This weekly series begins on April 13 and runs through June 15. The group will meet weekly on most Thursday evenings from 5:30 to 6:30 p.m. Each meeting will include learning through reading and discussion of the book Bearing the Unbearable, by Joanne Cacciatore, as well as sharing with one another about the impact of the personal loss on participants’ daily lives.
The group will meet in person at the church, 635 Old Wilder Road, Hilton (across from Kelly’s Farm Market). To register, go to or call 585-392-4099. All are welcome.
Grieving people often wonder if they would benefit from joining a support group. For many, the answer is yes. Support groups are a time-tested method of help for people struggling with all sorts of difficulties.
Grief is experienced in so many ways – physical, emotional, and spiritual. One needs a place to recognize that these reactions are part of the journey of grief. Being with other grieving people can reaffirm that one is not going crazy. While every loss is unique, through support groups one can bask in the support of others who have experienced loss and understand.
For many people, a support group can be a break from the loneliness and boredom that often come with grief. There is no single solution to dealing with loss, but members of a support group can offer a range of alternatives. By listening to stories of how others cope with a particular problem, one can find the solution that might work best.
Support groups offer two other gifts. They provide hope by providing models that reaffirm that one can survive loss. Participating in a support group can also help the griever find new empathy, new understandings, and renewed strengths.
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