
Upcoming crossover traffic pattern along Rt. 390 in Gates and Greece

The New York State Department of Transportation is advising motorists to expect a crossover traffic design beginning Wednesday, April 5, to accommodate construction activities along State Route 390 near Lexington Avenue and Ridgeway Avenue in the towns of Gates and Greece.

The crossover traffic pattern, which will be in place through this construction season, will be implemented as follows:
•Southbound traffic along State Route 390 will crossover before Latona Road and return to the southbound lanes after Weiland Road. Southbound traffic will again crossover before Lexington Avenue and return to the southbound lanes after Lexington Avenue.
•Northbound traffic will not crossover but will be reduced to two-lanes of traffic within the project limits.

As part of installing the crossover traffic pattern, nighttime lane closures will be necessary the nights of Monday, April 3, and Tuesday, April 4. Motorists traveling through this stretch of State Route 390 during these nighttime hours should anticipate encountering crews and slow down in the work zone.
This work is necessary to accommodate construction activities for NYSDOT’s previously-announced $18 million bridge rehabilitation project that began last year.

For real-time travel information, motorists should call 511 or visit or the mobile site at, New York State’s official traffic and travel information source.

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