Volunteers needed for the 2023 Brockport Arts Festival

There’s an old saying, “Many hands make light work.” While this saying can apply to almost any event or community group, the Brockport Arts Festival (BAF) is the perfect example of an upcoming community event that is in need of volunteers.
The Brockport Arts Festival is set for August 12 and 13 in the Village of Brockport on Main Street. Each year, this popular event draws well over 20,000 festivalgoers from across the state and even from across the country.
According to Kathy Kristansen, BAF Steering Committee Co-Chair, volunteers are one of the reasons this event is successful.
“Without the many volunteers, the village would not be able to offer a festival of this size to our community. The self-supporting festival brings in revenue that this year and next will support activities and events around the Main Street bridge closure,” she said. “The festival also brings many, many participants who enjoy the festival, visit the shops on Main Street, and eat in the restaurants all the while enjoying Brockport and supporting our community. These events and activities that our community engages in enhance the quality of life for our residents, community, and our businesses.”
This event offers a host of volunteer opportunities.
“Greet the vendors on Friday night and Saturday morning and hand out the welcome packet, help them unload, if necessary, after directing them to their booth location. Work in the Hospitality Tent. Be an entertainment assistant at the Morgan-Manning House. Help with the Sunday evening take down,” Kristansen explained. “We also need a few more judges to help judge the artists’ work. No experience necessary –all information, rubric, and instruction will be provided – Only requirement…a love of all things art!”
According to Kristansen, it’s difficult to quantify the number of volunteers needed for the Brockport Arts Festival. But what she does say is that it takes many volunteers. “The more the merrier…makes it so much more enjoyable and fun! Join us at the festival!”
If you are on the fence about diving into a new volunteer experience or have doubts about whether or not volunteering is right for you, you might be surprised at just how much you can gain. Scan the QR to sign up today.