
Kendall Lions Club presents AED devices to area churches

The Kendall Community gathered for a community worship at the town gazebo on Sunday, August 6. During a ceremony at the service, Kendall Lion President Eric Maxon along with Past District Governor Judy McKnight, Grant Coordinator Lion Tom Bartolini, and District Governor Melanie Adams presented the AED emergency defibrillator devices and cases to representatives from the five Kendall-area churches. Receiving for each church were Patty Longrod, St. Mark Roman Catholic Church; Pastor TC Smith, Mt. Olive Missionary Baptist Church; John Becker, Kendall United Methodist Church; Pastor Steve Worrall, Morton Baptist Church; and Beth Schmidt, Concordia Lutheran Church. Spearheaded by Lion President Eric Maxon, the Kendall Lions Club was able to purchase these devices with a matching grant from the New York State and Bermuda Lions Foundation.

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