Thank you “Cycle the Erie Canal” donors and volunteers in Spencerport

“Cycle the Erie Canal,” an annual event of Parks & Trails NY, came through Spencerport on Monday, July 10, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. More than 630 Cycle the Erie Canal touring bicyclists were welcomed as they reached Spencerport.
Our water station was located on the Erie Canal Path in front of the canopied information sign.
This event is an Economic Development opportunity!
Thank you: SACC Past President David Haines who coordinates water donations, brings and sets up chairs, tables, tubs for ice, and bags for recycling bottles.
Thank you: Tops Friendly Markets for free water and Spencerport Fire Department for ice.
Thank you: Local businesses for good food and drink, ice cream and welcomes.
Thank you: Don Fernberg and Village of Spencerport Historian Ginny Parker and Mayor Gary Penders, always volunteers.
Thank you: Village of Spencerport DPW Superintendent Joe Baretta for supplies/support and Village Clerk Jackie Sullivan who “crosses t’s & dots i’s”.
Thank you: Trustee Ray Kuntz, photographer.
Thank you: Keith Ryan, Spencerport Area Chamber of Commerce, who had signs to promote our community.
We met visitors from Albany, Oklahoma, Oregon, Texas and even the Bahamas. Hi to Spencerport’s own Karen Fien who participated in the ride this year.
“New York is so green! We love the Erie Canal! What a charming Village! We want to return in Fall.” Compliments in abundance.
As the lift bridge was raised again, pretty ducks swam by, a kayaker prepared to launch and ladies enjoyed lunch at the Village gazebo.
(No geese! No rain!)
Indeed, a picture perfect Summer day.
Visit and click on Events for news on upcoming meetings and programs.
Carol J. Nellis-Ewell
Deputy Mayor, Village of Spencerport
Economic Development & PR Chair, Board of Directors,
Spencerport Area Chamber of Commerce (SACC)