
Teachers receive lesson in dairy at Springdale Farm

Teachers from across Monroe County took time out of their summer break to join staff from Monroe County 4-H and New York Dairy in the Classroom at Balcony Point at Springdale Farm in August. Working collaboratively, teachers participated in activities connecting agriculture to the curriculum in their classrooms and learned how to bring those connections back to their students.

Participants created farm webs exploring where our food comes from and discussed ways to modify the activity to meet the needs of their students. They made mozzarella cheese, incorporating liquid to solid science and sampled cheese, reflecting on the taste, texture and smell of several different types of cheese. Teachers also received ideas for connecting literature and agriculture within their classrooms. The New York Dairy in the Classroom team shared their expertise throughout the day and provided take home teaching kits that provided teachers with the materials needed to bring cheese making and agriculture to their students.

In addition, teachers toured The Riedman Robotic Milking Center operated by Northhampton Dairy, LLC. Farmer Sarah informed teachers about current farming practices, cow care, and the technology used to provide milk for our region. The cows provided a great demonstration of their routine for milking, wowing everyone with how much milk one cow produces each day.

4-H staff member Leslie Pude said, “Today was a great opportunity for teachers to have hands-on experiences and learning opportunities that they can take back to their classrooms. Inspiring and teaching the teachers is a great way to have an impact on students.”

Throughout the year, Monroe County 4-H provides lessons to schools across the county that help students connect with agriculture and STEM learning. These lessons include hands-on activities and agriculture related texts and are provided by 4-H staff members. Teachers and administrators can reach out to Monroe County 4-H to have this resource shared in their school.

The Monroe County 4-H Program is offered through Cornell Cooperative Extension to the youth of Monroe County. Learn more at

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