
Change of leadership for the Town of Clarkson

The Clarkson Town Board held a special meeting on Tuesday, September 19, 6 p.m., at the Stanley Pogrozewski Justice Town Court building to share information regarding the resignation of Town Councilperson Leslie Zink and the early retirement of Town Supervisor Christa Filipowicz. The special meeting was also required to appoint new members to fill these vacancies and authorize members to conduct business on behalf of the Town of Clarkson.

Town Councilperson John Culhane called the meeting to order, and Town Clerk Susan Henshaw announced that she received written notice from Councilperson Zink and Supervisor Filipowicz of their intention to step down from their positions as of September 13 and September 19, respectively. Councilperson Culhane, on behalf of the residents of Clarkson, thanked Leslie and Christa for their years of hard work, dedication and service to the Town of Clarkson and wished them both the very best in the future.

Councilperson Tom Guarino made a motion to appoint Ursula M. Liotta as Clarkson Town Supervisor and Councilperson Nick D’Amuro seconded the motion. The motion was approved unanimously. Supervisor Liotta was sworn in and led the remainder of the meeting.

A motion was made to appoint Sharon S. Mattison to the board seat vacated by Councilperson Zink and was unanimously approved. Councilperson Mattison was sworn in.

Councilperson Culhane thanked Ursula and Sharon for stepping up to assume these roles on short notice.

Other business conducted during the meeting included appointing John Culhane as Deputy Town Supervisor, authorizing the new Supervisor and Deputy to perform banking transactions on behalf the Town of Clarkson, and canceling the public hearing on the proposed local law #5-2023 scheduled for September 26, 2023 to allow the new board members to familiarize themselves with the details of the proposed legislation.

Provided information

A note to Clarkson residents

Last Tuesday I retired from the Town of Clarkson after 32 years. I started on the Planning Board, was later elected to Town Board and then as your Supervisor for the last five years.
Our team has accomplished so much that I am proud of, but probably my top three are:
•Receiving a $7 million grant from Rural Development, ultimately providing public water to all residents.
•Lowering the Town tax rate by approximately 30% over the last five years.
•Raising $1.1 million via solar community host agreements to fund the renovation of the beloved Town Hall and other facility improvements – at no cost to residents.
I wish you all the best and my sincerest thanks for the years of support and the privilege of serving you.

Christa Filipowicz
Former Clarkson Town Supervisor

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