
SUNY Brockport opens The Pantry to serve students and the community

Food insecurity is a national problem — and college campuses are no exception. According to a recent survey, 40 percent of SUNY students reported that they have been hungry and couldn’t afford food. Thirty-three percent of SUNY students reported that they have been unable to study or focus because they were hungry and couldn’t afford food.

SUNY Brockport is taking action. The Pantry at SUNY Brockport, located on the first floor of Dailey Hall, is now open to students, faculty, staff, and community members. It offers food, paper products, diapers, baby food, menstrual products and more to those in need.

“Students should be focused on their futures. They should be focused on their academic success. They should not have to worry about where they’re going to get their next meal or how they’re going to afford toiletries, menstrual products, or so many other basic needs,” said SUNY Brockport President Heidi Macpherson.

The opening of The Pantry was made possible through significant support from SUNY. In September, SUNY Chancellor John B. King, Jr. announced $1 million of dedicated ongoing state-supported operating funding to provide sustainable financial assistance for SUNY campus food pantries during a visit to Brockport’s campus.

“Food insecurity was a consistent issue brought up by students during my 64-campus tour. A hungry student is unable to dedicate their time fully to their studies because of the constant stress and anxiety of when their next meal will be or where it will come from,” said King. “Supporting students facing food insecurity is a priority for increasing student success and upward mobility across the system, and we are grateful for how our campuses are partnering and investing to make sure that no student is forced to choose between pursuing their education or experiencing hunger.”

The Pantry, which operates in partnership with Brockport Student Government and Foodlink, is open Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. until 5 p.m.

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