An announcement from Karen B. Leidig and Matt’s Coats for Kids

Although I love writing, this is such a hard one for me to write.
Twenty years ago, our family suffered the worst loss imaginable. One of my three beautiful blessings from God, Matthew Jeffery Fitton, my oldest son, went to Heaven as the result of a tragic car accident on a heavily traveled roadway that still needs better safety to this very day.
Unfortunately, I can still remember the pain that changed our family’s lives forever. Any parent that has had a child go to Heaven before them sadly understands.
Through the millions of tears, anger, hurt – everything, I made a promise that positive things would be done in Matt’s name and memory. Countless memories flooded my brain, of his beautiful life – which was way too short. For years, all three sons were involved in sports and the Oliver Middle School gym was a common destination. Matt had been working a second job that summer, helping clean and prepare the Middle School for the upcoming school year. Five thousand two hundred area residents signed petitions to have that gym named after Matthew; this has still not happened, but I still have those petitions.
An idea sparked in my mind. I didn’t want scholarships or financial awards in his name because only a few would benefit. I remembered how happy he was to get his Christmas present the previous December; about a month early. He knew that he was getting a new coat for Christmas, which he needed. A gorgeous blue Columbia jacket from Dick’s Sporting Goods, in his size to fit his 6’6” frame. Matthew’s smile lit up whomever he was around, and a “Fitton-Hug” was and is the best ever.
“Matt’s Coats for Kids” mission statement: “Our mission is to keep with us the essence of love and friendship which was, and always will be Matthew.” That has been fulfilled over and over again in beautiful ways; giving many in need warm clothing for our winters. Four Christian, caring people who defined friendship and were stellar examples on Earth and now rest in Heaven – my Mom and Dad, Giana Bartolucci, and my dear Matthew. Every day … always you are with us.
Heartfelt Appreciation to: The collection sites who opened their doors to us, hosting a box and space to collect items. Businesses who donated delicious food and beverages to feed the volunteers, the boxes, and bags, masks, special T-shirts made each year displaying that year’s theme for those who helped.
Members of our local media – TV and radio stations, and print media, especially Westside News, who helped us to get the word out to the public. The Brockport Fire Department Company #3, the Brockport Elks Club, and the Brockport Exempts Club who gave us a temporary home for a weekend each year. Friendships made, tears that fell, and laughter that healed through faithful volunteers that were amazing. Stories and hugs that were shared with myself and others at the distribution from those who came to get the items that they needed for their families. The beautiful children who came to our distribution days needing a coat that brought light to all of us; deserving of our help and caring. The generosity of new and gently used items from EVERYONE!
We will no longer have our annual coat drive and free distribution, but the Facebook page will remain active. If there is information regarding coat drives or collections of winter wear items, please forward them to me and I hope to share them on the page. Always there will be those who need a helping hand and opportunities that exist to share our blessings in this world. Remember, “The Boomerang Effect – When we help others; we are truly helping ourselves.”
To my dear sister, Kathy Bauch-Begemann, whose love, support and faith remains continuous; with whom I share values, beliefs, and memories – love you dearly, appreciative of you – the best sister ever. My dear parents – thank you for your participation in this mission, and for showing us the importance of family. To Matthew, Daniel and Adam – no matter what or where we all are … you three are my heart … the best blessing God has ever given me – and no matter what – my love for you three will go on forever.
Two new shoulders and I will be finding the direction and path that God has for me. I will continue writing, playing keyboards and singing, and many things that I need to do – as well as things that I enjoy. If you know someone who has lost a child or someone very dear to them, let them know you are there, love and support them – but let them find their own distinct path for grief and how to continue with their life; for each person’s is different and worthwhile.
I established the Matthew J. Fitton Award at the Brockport Hill School in 2009. It is given to one fifth grade boy and one fifth grade girl each school year who “exhibit a strong work ethic, is a friend to all, is always ready with a smile, and is always willing to share and help others.” It is chosen by the students. These were traits that Matthew exuded as well as the award’s recipients. Currently it is funded through 2031, and costs approximately $80 a year. If you would like to donate to add more years for this award’s existence, send your donation, specifying that it is for this award’s continuity, c/o Mr. Sean Bruno, Superintendent of Brockport Central Schools, 40 Allen Street, Brockport, NY 14420.
Thank you all for being part of this journey of helping, loving, honoring and finding healing.
Love and a “Fitton-Hug,”
Karen B. Leidig
Matt’s Coats for Kids
Note: On Monday, November 6, there will be a gathering at 58 Main in Brockport at 6 p.m. for any past volunteers or friends who wish to share memories and celebrate “Matt’s Coats for Kids.” Food and beverages will be at your own cost.