Brockport Kiwanis Club donates to Oak Orchard’s Mommy and Me Program

The Kiwanis Club of Brockport donated $1,500 to Oak Orchard Health’s Mommy and Me program. This program supports new moms and caregivers experiencing postpartum depression and anxiety. This donation will help support vital resources for the families involved in this program, including items in a newborn welcome kit, home safety items (cabinet locks, Carbon Monoxide and smoke detectors), and supplies for the caregiver support group that is facilitated by OOH care managers.
The U.S. has some of the poorest health outcomes for children and their birth mothers. “The Mommy and Me program is an extremely innovative approach to improving those statistics in our region with special attention to mental health in the postpartum period. Our patients will now be met by a care manager in several of their child’s well visits, from birth to age 4 ½. Through some questions and interviewing, we can identify and help address any needs the family may have. Care managers will be evaluating for postpartum depression and anxiety, and then refer patients to one of our behavioral health counselors specializing in perinatal mental health,” said Dr. Danielle Renodin-Mead, Pediatrician and Chief Medical Officer at Oak Orchard Health. Dr. Mead and Robin Govanlu, OOH Director of Behavioral Health, are co-founders of this program.
Oak Orchard appreciates the support it has received from the Kiwanis Club of Brockport. “The Kiwanis Club is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to improving the world, one child and one community at a time. The Kiwanis Club of Brockport has been serving the local community for 97 years, Oak Orchard Health has been serving the same communities for 50 years, together they are making positive differences for area children. We are delighted to be able to be a contributor to the Mommy and Me Program,” said Brigitte Duschen, Club Treasurer of the Kiwanis Club of Brockport.
Oak Orchard Health joined the Brockport Kiwanis Club four years ago. The relationship has been productive; Oak Orchard staff have volunteered during Kiwanis fundraisers, and a part of those proceeds is now helping children with this donation to the Mommy and Me program.
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