
Jensen introduces policies to enhance reading education

Assemblyman Josh Jensen (R,C-Greece) is introducing legislation that aims to enhance literacy education and reading instruction for schools across New York, and strengthen the state’s national ranking. Jensen hopes these common-sense policies will be considered during the upcoming legislative session and will improve outcomes across early educational levels.

The first piece of legislation would establish statewide literacy education programs for early education that include statewide parents-as-teachers programs, a reading program that would provide support for reading intervention services and a reading intervention program (A.8315). Young people in New York State are currently facing a crisis in literacy education, as we trail behind the rest of the nation, having enacted no state reading laws between 2019 and 2022. Jensen says establishing statewide standards and expectations for literacy education programs would address this issue, and give students, parents, teachers and schools the tools they need to help build a stronger educational foundation.

The additional bills would require new teachers to complete training for evidence-based reading instruction to help ensure teachers are prepared to meet the needs of their students (A.8316), as well as require certain teachers who provide literacy instruction to obtain a literacy endorsement (A.8320).
Jensen says these measures should empower districts, teachers, and parents to determine the most effective approaches to achieve literacy goals, especially during the crucial early education period from kindergarten through grade three.

“I hope in the new year, partisan politics can take a back seat and allow for policies that give our education system the necessary boost to help children succeed. The future of our young generation and their education is critically important and should be a priority for my colleagues on both sides of the aisle. A good education in all subjects is something we owe to all the students in New York,” said Jensen.

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