Newly-elected Sweden officials sworn in
The Town of Sweden held a swearing-in ceremony for officials who won election or re-election in November. Taking the oath of office for the first time were new council members Tyler Sharpe and Adam Staskiewski. Patricia Hayles was elected to her first term as Supervisor, following six years as councilperson. Scott Maar was appointed to the town board seat vacated by Hayles on December 31. Finally, long-term Tax Receiver Kathy Bahr-Seever and Highway Superintendent Brian Ingraham renewed their oaths.
The new board members joined Councilperson Gary Sullivan to conduct the 2024 Organizational Meeting at which the Town’s annual appointments, contracts and procedures were established. Supervisor Hayles announced an agenda of pursuing water district expansion and assigned board members to liaison positions for the year. She also appointed Scott Maar as deputy supervisor. The board next meets on January 9; board meetings are generally held the second and fourth Tuesdays of the month, except for June, July and August when they only meet on the fourth Tuesday. Meetings begin at 6 p.m.
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