
Hilton Village election to be held March 19

The Hilton Village election will be held on Tuesday, March 19.
Polls will be open from noon to 9 p.m. at the Hilton Community Center, 59 Henry Street.

Three candidates are vying for two Trustee positions on the Village Board (4-year term).

Candidate for Hilton Village Trustee
Kim D. Fay

My name is Kim D. Fay and I am running for Hilton Village Trustee. I am a lifelong resident of upstate NY. After earning a professional degree from Ball State University, I engaged in a 30+ year professional career in education as a technology teacher, class advisor and coach at Hilton High School. I retired in 2000, then moved on to work 15 years in the IT Department for the Roman Catholic Diocese of Rochester.
Having lived in the Village of Hilton and raised four children in the Hilton Central School District, I am acutely aware of the pivotal role that a Trustee plays in the Hilton Community. I intend to use my interests and expertise to help strengthen its purpose in the community using its Comprehensive Plan. I currently serve as the Chairperson of the Hilton Zoning Board of Appeals.
I have also been involved as a community service volunteer in a variety of organizations. I am a member of the Hilton Exempt Club, 200 Club and the Hilton Lions Club. I served as President and currently Secretary of the Lions Club where I support community outreach activities which are based upon my lifetime experiences and dedication to the importance of community service.
My life partner, Katie, and I now live in Unionville Station. In our free time, we like to camp and enjoy the outdoors.
I would appreciate your support so I can continue to make the Village of Hilton the “Little Village with the Big Heart.”

Kim D. Fay
Candidate for Hilton Village Trustee

Candidate for Hilton Village Trustee
Sherry Farrell

My name is Sherry Farrell, and I am running for Village of Hilton Trustee. I am looking to be re-elected for another term as I have been on the Board since the Fall of 2020. This community is where I was born and raised, and my husband, Bob, and I chose to stay close to home to raise our two children, Tyler and Morgan.
I am currently employed with the Town of Parma at Hilton-Parma Recreation & Parks and I am the Senior Coordinator, working with the older adult population. I really love my job and enjoy helping people. It’s empowering going to work every day and I have learned a lot about local government in the 23 years that I have been here. I pride myself in being a positive people person who is open-minded and a good communicator. I like to say I am an ABCD person in that I always go Above and Beyond the Call of Duty in all that I do. I will continue to do just that for the Village of Hilton.
I was proud to earn your vote in the 2020 election as, typically, this election only sees about 250 village residents voting out of 6,000 residents in the village. This is why it is so important to vote, and every vote will count. I want you to know that my door is always open to listen to your thoughts and ideas. I am running for one of two open Village Board positions and I want to give back to this great rural community. I ask for your vote to make government work for you. Please come out and vote on Tuesday, March 19.

Sherry Farrell
Candidate for Hilton Village Trustee

Candidate for Hilton Village Trustee
Shannon Zabelny

My name is Shannon Zabelny. I am running for re-election as a Hilton Village Trustee. My husband, Rob, and I moved to Hilton from Spencerport in 2008. Our son, Kyle, lives with his family in Las Vegas and our daughter, Kara, and her family live in Texas.
My background is a financial one. I am a graduate of Monroe Community College with an AAS in Accounting and RIT with a bachelor’s degree in business administration. I am currently working in administration at Hanna Properties LLC. I have been employed there since 1992. I was named to the Hilton Zoning Board of Appeals and, subsequently, was elected a Village Trustee in 2014. I am currently serving on the Budget Committee and as a Personnel Liasson.
The Village of Hilton is fortunate to have excellent managers and employees in the Village Office and the DPW. These employees keep the Village operating in a very efficient manner. It is and will be my goal to support them in the work that they do on a day-to-day basis. As a Village Trustee, I am proud to help to make decisions to keep the Village on a sound financial track while keeping property taxes as reasonable as possible.
I have always enjoyed volunteering for activities in the Village and meeting the residents who attend. I would appreciate your vote on March 19 so that I may continue to serve the Village of Hilton as Trustee.

Shannon Zabelny
Candidate for Hilton Village Trustee

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