
Be part of eclipse history by sharing your impression with PHHS

The Parma Hilton Historical Society (PHHS) wants to make a record of living history from its residents during the solar eclipse. There will not be another total solar eclipse in Parma/Hilton until the year 2144, and while none of us will be around for the next one, we can leave a historical record of this eclipse for our descendants.

PHHS asks those who are interested in participating to answer the following questions:
•Email address
•Where were you during the total solar eclipse?
•Who else watched with you?
•Did you have out-of-town visitors? If so, from where?
•What was your impression of the eclipse?

Submit responses by texting Assistant Town Historian Nancy Leport at 585-943-3314, emailing, or mailing to Parma Hilton Historical Society, 1300 Hilton Parma Corners Road, Hilton, NY 14468. Include any pictures you might have of your venue and other participants. PHHS wants input from all ages, so children are encouraged to submit their impressions as well. The results will be published for all to read.

Provided information

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