
BUM Players world premiere comedy geared for family fun

Local community-theater troupe, the BUM Players, are currently gearing up for their annual dessert-theater comedy. As always, this play will be performed in the Brockport United Methodist Church Fellowship Hall, with performances on April 19, 20, 26, and 27 at 7 p.m. each night. And, of course, donated desserts and beverages will be available during intermission and are included in the ticket cost. Through a special long-standing partnership, these desserts will be served by members of the Kiwanis Club of Brockport, which also serves as a co-sponsor.

The BUM Players are excited about this upcoming show, since it will be a true World Premiere showing of the fifth full-length comedy script in a row written by a BUM Players member. This one, entitled One More Time, is written and copyrighted by long-time member and founder Gary “Turk” Thomas, following up on the success of last year’s Lake Effect Blues.

This play is set in the fictitious town of Plain Bluff, Nebraska, in a senior-living facility. Mary Smith (Marcy Miceli) and Pat Reston (Steve Richardson) are both residents there and are both retired super-heroes whose powers have faded with age. Because of mental and physical changes, neither recalls their shared past. Eventually, a new resident moves in, Jim Marx (Turk Thomas), who happens to be a super-villain against whom the others fought on more than one occasion. His powers have also faded over time. When an existential crisis threatens the village, the three are forced to join forces to stop the threat after undercover FBI agent Stu Blass (Paul Kimball) leaks their individual secrets to the others.

With failing powers, they manage to bumble through, eventually quelling the threat after young Molly Blass (Carla Mesler), a volunteer at the home, discovers powers of her own. After accidentally saving the day, she is still cautioned by Stu and the others to stay out of the super-hero business and simply lead a safe and normal existence. Full of hi-jinx and gags, the fun will certainly spill over into the performances.

The play will be directed by playwright Turk Thomas, with Quincy Maxfield in the role as Assistant Director/Stage Manager. Serving as Co-Technical Directors are Thomas and Richardson.

Tickets are available in the Church Office from 9 a.m. to noon on Tuesdays and Thursdays, or at the door on show nghts. Tickets may also be reserved by phoning the Church Office at 637-4240 or by calling 261-7381. Tickets are $10 general admission, $8 seniors (age 65+, and $25 per one-family household. All are welcome for a night of laughter and fun.

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