
Morelle recognizes local Vietnam veterans in Chili

On April 1, Congressman Joe Morelle recognized local Vietnam Veterans by presenting them with the Vietnam War Commemoration Lapel Pin in honor of their service.

“Just after Vietnam Veterans Day, I have the extraordinary privilege of presenting local veterans of the Vietnam War with lapel pins as a lasting memento of our country’s enduring gratitude,” said Congressman Joe Morelle. “Vietnam Veterans Day is a time to recognize the men and women who were denied a proper welcome upon returning home from service. I hope that these pins serve as a constant reminder to our selfless veterans that we will never forget their service, sacrifice, and heroism.”

“I am honored to represent the Town of Chili who stand in solidarity with our residents to honor those who bravely served in the Vietnam War,” said Chili Town Supervisor David Dunning. “Though we cannot fix the past, we can certainly assure all who served are treated with respect and honor for the sacrifice made.”

“As we continue to mark the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War, Chapter 20 would like to thank Congressman Morelle and his staff for taking time to recognize the service and sacrifice of our members,” said President of the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 20 Charles Klauck.

Congressman Morelle is a member of The United States of America Vietnam War Commemoration—a national 50th anniversary commemoration, authorized by Congress. The Vietnam War Commemoration lapel pins are awarded to veterans who served on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces at any time during the period of November 1, 1955, to May 15, 1975.

Honorees are from the Vietnam Veterans of America Chapter 20:
•Kenneth Allocco, U.S. Air Force
•William Auble, U.S. Marine Corps
•David Calabro, U.S. Army
•George Cooper II, U.S. Army
•Lane Corson, U.S. Navy
•Lynn Gursslin, U.S. Army
•James Lamy, U.S. Navy
•Lee Loomis, U.S. Army
•Richard McKnight, U.S. Army
•Raymond Melens, U.S. Marine Corps
•Richard Oleksyn, U.S. Army
•Samuel Otto, Jr., U.S. Marine Corps
•Stanley Patykiewicz, U.S. Marine Corps
•Richard Pearce, U.S. Army
•Joseph Peck, Jr., U.S. Army
•Thomas Puff, U.S. Air Force
•Michael Riley, U.S. Army
•Michael Sanfilippo, U.S. Army
•William Schrader, U.S. Army
•Larry Strassner, U.S. Marine Corps
•Dale Webster, U.S. Army.

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