
Monroe County 4-H Public Presentations

Monroe County 4-H youth brought presentations on a variety of topics to Monroe County’s 2024 4-H Public Presentations event. The event took place at the Irondequoit Public Library, where youth and their families gathered to enjoy the presentations and support one another’s participation.

A widespread tradition in 4-H programs, Public Presentations are often among youths’ first opportunities to practice public speaking. Participants design a presentation based on a topic of their choice, typically a “Spark” or other subject they are familiar with and excited about. After choosing and preparing a topic, they share it with an audience of peers and supportive adults. Many 4-H alumni share that this program is the most important project of their 4-H career. Kat McNamara, a volunteer with the 4-H Canine Club and 4-H alumni said, “Growing up, giving Public Presentations gave me confidence speaking on various subjects including my 4-H projects and connecting with groups of people, a skill I use every day as a Physician Assistant at Golisano Children’s Hospital. I also enjoyed hearing other 4-Hers give their Public Presentations as it opened my mind to new 4-H project possibilities.”

Volunteer evaluators observe the presentations and ask questions. After each presentation, they offer detailed feedback in conferences with each presenter. Volunteer evaluators make it possible for 4-H youth to develop their public presentation skills in a positive and supportive environment. Luke McNamara, a 4-H Spark Club member got to share his excitement about Pokemon. “I was happy other people also like Pokemon. Lots of people asked questions.”

The youth participants utilize several different presentation methods, using PowerPoint slides, tri-fold posters and hands-on demonstrations. Evelyn Kaproth-Joslin, a youth who is on the Monroe County 4-H local advisory board, served as an evaluator for her peers this year. Evie demonstrates the goal of 4-H, to learn, share knowledge, and empower others to engage in learning as well.

“Public Presentations are a pillar of the 4-H Program in Monroe County. Youth have the opportunity to develop life skills while exploring a topic that sparks their interest. It is wonderful to see youth and families interact and support each other while learning new things,” shared Susan Coyle, 4-H Team Leader.

The Public Presentations Program continues to be a fruitful experience for all of those involved. Selected youth will have the chance to make adjustments to their presentations and present again at the Finger Lakes District Public Presentations event with youth from the nine counties of the Finger Lakes 4-H District. Colin, a 4-H Spark Club member shared, “I would like to do another presentation because I enjoyed sharing my dog training with people. I already signed up for District Public Presentations! I am practicing the changes I made from the judge’s feedback.”

The Monroe County 4-H Program is offered through Cornell Cooperative Extension to the youth of Monroe County. 4-H is a worldwide youth development program open to all youth aged five to 19, who want to have fun, learn new skills, and explore the world. In return, youth who participate in 4-H find a supportive environment and opportunities for hands-on or “experiential” learning about things that interest them. Learn more at

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