NYFB launches road safety campaign to reduce farm vehicle accidents

New York farmers are gearing up for spring planting season. That means more large farm equipment, like tractors, will be on the roads. New York Farm Bureau recently reminded drivers to be cautious and share the road during a press event at Patterson Farms in Auburn, NY. It was the launch of a road safety campaign that includes two public safety announcements and social media awareness.
In New York State, crashes involving farm equipment are among the deadliest. The New York Center for Agricultural Medicine and Health conducted a study in 2019 and found that crashes involving farm vehicles were five-times more likely to be fatal than non-agricultural crashes.
Of the agriculture-related incidents, the most common event was a collision with another vehicle. This made up more than 80-percent of the crashes. NYCAMH attributed many of these to non-agriculture vehicles attempting to pass slower-moving agriculture machinery on straightaways.
To improve road safety, New York Farm Bureau is releasing two public service announcement videos. The organization is reminding drivers to be aware of slow-moving vehicles and take careful steps to avoid a crash. One video features Cayuga County Sheriff Brian Schenck and the other includes Joe Tyler, a farm employee from El-Vi Farms in Wayne County who was seriously injured in 2019 when another vehicle struck the tractor he was driving.
“This is a busy time of year for farmers. During spring planting and fall harvest, it is not unusual for our tractors and large equipment to be traveling between the farm and the fields. It is important for everyone to pay attention, go slow, and follow proper safety protocols. After all, our farmers are doing important work to grow the food we all need, and at the end of the day, we want everyone to make it home safely. A little patience can save a life,” said Cayuga County Farm Bureau President Jon Patterson.
“When you see a farm vehicle, especially those displaying the orange slow moving triangle, slow down and give the equipment more space. Obey roadway markings and know that the operator may not be able to see you. Crashes are avoidable if you share the road and prevent them. Safety is no accident,” said Cayuga County Sheriff Brian Schenck.
“The biggest thing with tractors is to be patient. The extra 30 seconds you want to gain to pass us could cost a life or hours of your time if there is an accident. I was hit by a dump truck as I was turning left. I sustained serious injuries, and it was traumatic for me and my family. Please be respectful for us and the rules of the road. We will get out of your way as soon as we can. We got a job to do, and all have families to go home to,” said Joe Tyler of El-Vi Farms in Newark.
“Cornell Cooperative Extension Cayuga County joins our partners in encouraging all users of roads in Cayuga County to Share the Road as planting season gets underway. For decades, CCE Cayuga has educated the agricultural community on farm safety topics, including safe tractor operation for youth aged 14 to 16. Please slow down and give agricultural equipment additional room, so everyone, including our teens working their first job on a farm, gets home safely at the end of the day,” said Dan Welch, Executive Director of Cayuga County Farm Bureau.
Here are some tips for drivers when out on rural roads during planting and harvest seasons.
•Slow down and increase following distance if you come upon equipment with a Slow Moving Vehicle (SMV) emblem, an orange triangle.
•Never pass with limited visibility or in a no-passing zone.
•Be alert for farm equipment that may be turning. Tractors not only turn onto roads or into driveways but can also turn into fields. They may swing out wide in the opposite direction to prepare to make a turn. This action can make those following the farm equipment to believe the farmer may be turning the other way.
•Look down the road as far as possible to be aware of what is coming and avoid distraction, like a cell phone. At 60 mph, a vehicle is covering 88 feet per second.
Tips for farmers:
•Farm equipment must display a slow-moving vehicle emblem when traveling under 25 mph. In addition to the SMV emblem, tractors and machinery must also display a speed-appropriate speed identification symbol (SIS) when travelling between 25 and 40 mph.
•Never exceed the top-rated speed of any trailed implement.
•Use proper lighting on farm equipment, including flashing amber lights in the front and rear. Use lights and flashers at all times of the day for increased visibility.
•Stay in the lane, do not drive equipment half on the shoulder and half on the road. A tractor can easily lose control on a soft shoulder. Ditches that parallel most rural NY roadsides can cause potentially fatal rollovers for tractors.
•Be alert for vehicles behind you, especially when turning.
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