
Preparing for Memorial Day

Boy Scout Troop 133 helps prepare for Memorial Day in Churchville

On May 19, members of Boy Scout Troop 133 gathered at Harvey C. Noone American Legion Post 954 with Legion Scout Liaison Officer Geoff Larson. At the Post, the scouts assisted in moving chairs and items into their shed and they also trimmed the bushes and weeded the flagpole area. They then gathered all the flags and veteran grave markers at the Post and proceeded to Creekside/St. Vincent Cemetery.

To honor the deceased veterans and prepare for Memorial Day, the scouts began to place flags and grave markers, where needed, on to the graves of the fallen. Each scout would inspect the grave, fix any deficiency with the markers, and then place a flag in the holder. The scout would then step back, stand at attention, say the veteran’s name and thank him or her, and then render a salute.
The scouts spent the rest of the afternoon performing these tasks to ensure the proper respect and honor were given to the fallen. Their assistance to the Legion and the families is appreciated by the community.

Participating were scouts, Jessie Becker, Zane Stewart, Jude Lisle-Saleh, Zach Thiers, Jonah Lisle-Saleh, Lawren Monahan, Brenden Saunders, Micah Roth and Javier Green-Jordan, with scout adults, Thomas Lisle, Ann DeBottis and Eric Roth. Auxiliary member Tish Juergens updated and provided the maps and helped place flags along with Legionnaires Geoff Larson and Ken Juergens.

Memorial Day will be remembered on May 27 starting with a ceremony at 10:30 a.m. at the Churchville’s Village Elementary. The Grand Marshall will be WWII veteran George Becker and the guest speaker will be past Churchville Girls State representative and incoming United States Military Academy at West Point cadet, McKenzie “Mae” Ennis. The parade begins at 11 a.m. with fire trucks, bagpipes, and marchers from many different organizations. Food and drink will be available for sale and the parade will conclude at the cemetery where the Legion will present honors to the veterans at the Civil War monument. All are invited to remember and respect Churchville’s fallen heroes.

A scout distributing flags and paying his respects at Creekside Cemetery.

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Other Memorial Day observances:

•Brockport: Ceremony on Saturday, May 25, 11 a.m., at the VFW, 222 West Avenue, Brockport.
•Chili: Ceremony on May 27, 9:30 a.m., at the Chili Community Center. No parade this year.
•Greece: Parade begins at 11 a.m. and will proceed down Long Pond Road from Janes Road to the Greece Town Hall Campus. A Remembrance Ceremony at 11:45 a.m. at the Greece Town Hall Pavilion.
•Hamlin: Service on May 27, 1 p.m., at Hamlin VFW Post, 1739 Lake Road.
•Kendall: Observance on Thursday, May 30, 7 p.m., at the Town Gazebo.

Members of Spencerport’s Ferris Goodridge Post 330 of the American Legion were hard at work preparing Veteran’s Park for the upcoming Memorial Day Ceremony. Ferris Goodridge members (l-r) Mike Ammmering, Mark Williams, and Scotty Beale gave the plates a good scrub down while Sergeant-at-Arms Cully Cullingworth (below) used the pressure washer to clean the monuments. The Legion is also grateful to the Ogden Parks and Recreation Department for use of their equipment and the assistance of two of their employees. Spencerport’s Memorial Day Parade begins at 9 a.m. on May 27 along Union Street. It will be followed by a ceremony at Veteran’s Park.

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Memorial Day Events in Hilton

Hiscock-Fishbaugh American Legion Post 788 will pass out Memorial Day Poppies on Saturday, May 25, at the Hilton Family Restaurant in Hovey Square and in front of Tops Market on South Avenue in the village of Hilton.

On Monday, May 27, members of the American Legion, Veterans of Foreign Wars Post 6105, and the Parma-Hilton Honor Guard will honor our fallen servicemembers with a flag-lowering ceremony at Parma Union Cemetery, 260 Parma Center Road, Hilton, at 8 a.m. Immediately following, a second ceremony will take place at the memorial flagpole in front of the Parma Town Hall, 1300 Hilton-Parma Corners Road.

The Memorial Day Parade in the village of Hilton is on Monday, May 27, stepping off at 10:30 a.m. from the west driveway of St. Paul Lutheran School, proceeding west to Main Street, continuing to West Avenue. Marchers will turn on Henry Street, where the parade ends at the Hilton Community Center. Shortly after 11 a.m., when the last parade unit arrives at the Community Center, the Veterans organizations will conduct a short ceremony at the Veterans Memorial on the south lawn of the Hilton Community Center. After placing a wreath in front of the memorial, the Parma-Hilton Honor Guard will render a gun salute; the ceremony will close with the playing of Taps.

All events are open to the public. Civic or youth groups interested in marching in the parade should contact American Legion Post 788 at or through Facebook @legionpost788. No political candidates or political organizations will be allowed to march; elected officials should contact Post 788 if interested in participating.

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Continuing a tradition started after the Civil War, members of Hiscock-Fishbaugh American Legion Post 788, Boy Scout Troop 99, and Cub Scout Pack 330 gathered on Saturday, May 11, to “decorate” veteran gravesites in Parma Union Cemetery, placing over 800 U.S. flags on headstones. The flags will remain in place through the Independence Day holiday.

Hamlin VFW Auxiliary

This Memorial Day, The Hamlin VFW Auxiliary 6703, would like to remember all of our deceased members:

•Norma Bauch
•Mary Bilinski
•Donna Buss
•Marion Carmel
•Mary Elliott
•Roberta Fey
•Pauline Freemesser
•Ruth Freitag
•Marjorie Goodrell
•Beverly Hare
•Evelyn Hitchcock
•Irene Hurd
•Nancy Jennejahn
•Tommy Jensen
•Clara Judd
•Verna Kimmel
•Alfreda Leiter
•Betty Lemcke
•Margarita Maar
•Margot Maxon
•Betty McMurdy
•Virginia Miller
•Iona Newman
•Marcia Papoi
•Theresa Reis
•Agnes Reynolds
•Lisa Rivera French
•Alma Schultz
•Laura Schultz
•Ruth Schultz
•Anna Sietmann
•Alice Smith
•Margaret Smith
•Shirley Smith
•Marjorie Tierman
•Margaret Vanhouten
•Nancy Waye
•Elizabeth White
•Kathleen Wolck
•Matthew Wolck
•Dorothy Wolfe

Hamlin VFW
Auxiliary 6703

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