
Brockport Area Vets host Memorial Day Remembrance Ceremony

by Christopher R. Martin

Despite the threatening clouds overhead and a light sprinkle before the ceremony started, guns were fired, prayers and memories were shared, the Brockport HS Band played, firefighters were present in their parade dress uniforms, and local Boy Scouts carried the flags while the community looked on during the Memorial Day Remembrance Ceremony at the Brockport Area Vets Club on Saturday, April 25.

Patricia Connors representing the American Legion Auxiliary #379 was once again the Mistress of Ceremonies. Connors welcomed everyone and introduced the participants. She called upon members of the local Boy Scout troops to present the colors commemorating the start of the program while the Brockport HS Band played the Star-Spangled Banner.

The Invocation and the American Legion Ceremony were both presented by Jack Tangen, President of the Brockport Area Vets Club and Commander of the American Legion Post #379.

After the crowd recited the Pledge of Allegiance led by Ms. Connors, she shared a brief prayer with all. There was a moment of silence, and the red, white, and blue memorial wreath was placed at the base of the flag by Jeanette Hanson, a member of the Legion Auxiliary. The Legion Honor Guard fired their rifles to honor the fallen and the BHS Band played Taps after the American Flag had been lowered to half-staff. The flag was raised back to full staff while the band played “To The Colors.”

Assemblyman Stephen Hawley, a veteran himself, delivered the keynote address. The assemblyman spoke reverently of his time in the service, of those we have lost and the numbers affecting all of Monroe County. As he spoke, many in attendance recalled their own personal losses or those of a loved one or a friend.

In their printed program thank you, the folks at the American Legion had this to say: “While we are all guilty of celebrating the unofficial start of summer and encouraging each other to ‘have a good weekend,’ it is important to remember the reason for the holiday: Memorial Day is the day Americans set aside to remember and honor those brave men and women who met tragic ends while defending our freedom. It is our duty to remember and honor their sacrifices, to pray for their families, and to bow our heads in recognition of their service.”Commander Jack Tangen offered a closing Benediction, the Scouts retired the colors, and Post Adjutant William Fine shared his closing remarks with all. It was a somber, yet honorable event for the whole community.

Photos by Christopher R. Martin

A Boy Scout lowering the flag
Auxiliary member Jeanette Hanson presenting the wreath.
Jack Tangen (center) led the Invocation.

American Legion Honor Guard firing weapons.
The Brockport High School Band performed patriotic music.
Jack Tangen and William Fine.

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