Historic marker dedicated at Parma Corners

Members of the Parma Hilton Historical Society, neighbors, and friends met just before noon on Tuesday, June 4, at the intersection of Route 259 and Ridge Road West to dedicate a historic marker to commemorate Parma Corners the first commercial settlement in the Town of Parma, founded in 1808 by Hope and Elisha Davis.
Parma Supervisor Jim Roose welcomed everyone, Historian Dave Crumb commented on the history of the Corners which at one time was the confluence of the Canawaugus Indian Trail and Old Ridge Road, the ancient shoreline of Lake Iroquois. After the glacier meltdown 10,000 years ago, Lake Iroquois receded to the present Lake Ontario shoreline about eight miles north.
Other attendees gave their memories of Parma Corners in bygone days. Bacon’s Parma Grill on the southeast corner was a favorite hangout for locals and travelers. Parma Park, where the marker is located, was once much larger and was left to the Town of Parma in 1875 by Professor Clark, the last proprietor of the failed Parma Institute. For years it was the Parma Corners location for “Old Home Week,” complete with a bandstand, picnic tables, and an annual parade down Ridge Road.
With perfect weather and high spirits, the sign was unveiled by Parma Corners resident Joesph Reinschmidt. A semi-truck honked its horn and passing vehicles beeped and waved. It was an enjoyable hour of reminiscing. Many in the group proceeded to Abe’s Restaurant, just west of the corners, for lunch.
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Note: A three-part history of Parma Corners was printed in Westside News in 2023. Search for “Parma Corners” at westsidenewsny.com to read the articles by Dave Crumb.