
Flags can be honorably retired at ecopark

Residents can retire unserviceable U.S. flags at Monroe County/WM ecopark. Ripped, faded, or tattered flags can be honorably retired by turning them in with a no-appointment drop off at ecopark.
Reworld™, a waste-to-energy company, collects the turned in flags and holds a proper retirement ceremony before incineration at their Niagara Resource Recovery Facility located in Niagara Falls, New York.

“It is commonplace today for U.S. flags to be made from nylon materials instead of cotton, which when burned, emits toxic fumes,” said County Executive Adam Bello. “The ecopark provides a safe and honorable way to retire unserviceable U.S. flags.”

Since 2019, ecopark has collected 9.75 tons or 19,500 pounds of U.S. Flags for retirement.
The Monroe County/WM ecopark is open from 1 to 6:30 p.m. Wednesdays and 7:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays. For more information, visit or enable the Monroe County Recycling skill via Amazon’s Alexa Skill Store and ask Alexa.

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