Registration open for Orleans County Lilypad Safe Harbour Program

Registration is now open for the Orleans County Department of Social Services’ (DSS) Lilypad Safe Harbour Program, according to DSS Deputy Commissioner Cyndi Stumer. The goal of Lilypad is to educate young people on healthy relationships and building self-esteem, while also teaching how to recognize red flags that will protect them from online predators. The program is open to those 12 to 21 years of age.
“Many can remember a time when the internet first gained traction and the online world was limited to your home computer,” said Stumer. “Today’s youth have the constant presence of cellphones and access to the entire world in a few seconds, connecting with strangers through Tik Tok, Facebook, online gaming and host of other platforms. And as we know too well, this connectivity is not without its own set of problems and dangers.”
The Lilypad program is structured to help protect young people from online predators, recognizing the signs of grooming and exploitation. The program consists of three sessions that will each cover a different topic. The sessions are scheduled for September 19, September 26, and October 3 from 6 to 8 p.m. at the Hoag Library, 134 South Main Street, Albion.
“We approach each session in a manner that allows young people to feel comfortable discussing these serious topics,” said Stumer. “We will also be providing snacks, holding raffles and handing out prizes throughout the evening to lighten things up.”
Advance registration is preferred for planning purposes, however, walk-in registrations are also welcome. To register your youth for Lilypad, contact Orleans County Safe Harbour at or by telephone at 585-589-2837.
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