
Spencerport BOE accepts 2024-25 tax levy

The Spencerport Board of Education adopted the 2024-25 tax levy and tax rate on September 3, after receiving the final assessment reports from Monroe County.

The approved tax levy totals $43,448,698, which is the amount communicated for the May budget vote; however, the tax rate for each town is lower than originally estimated. In summary, total assessments increased 41.22% versus the projected increase of 39.47%. Because of this, the tax rate for each town is lower than originally projected.

School districts do not control assessments or equalization rates. School districts only control the tax levy, or the amount that taxpayers within its boundaries must contribute to the district’s budget. Based on the adopted levy, the 2024-25 tax rate per $1,000 of assessed value is $16.03 for Ogden, $20.82 for Gates, $23.54 for Greece, and $16.02 for Parma.

Please note that a property’s reassessment will have an impact on an individual tax bill, meaning a homeowner may experience an increase or decrease in school taxes based on the updated values.
Provided information

Year-to-year comparison
(tax rate per $1,000 of assessed value)

Town 2023-24 Tax Rate 2024-25 Tax Rate %change $change

Ogden $25.66 $16.03 -37.53% -$9.63

Gates $21.34 $20.82 -2.44% -$0.52

Greece $23.64 $23.54 -0.42% -$0.10

Parma $24.88 $16.02 -35.61% -$8.86

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