
Brockport bridge update

by Margay Blackman,
Brockport Village Mayor

A long overdue update on the Main Street bridge which is behind schedule. I met with the engineer in charge from the DOT to review what the scheduling issues are and what remains to be done. There is a “critical path of assembly” of bridge components that must be completed in order for things to work.

The holdup has been the lifting posts which will be positioned at the north and south ends of the bridge and are responsible, as the name indicates, for raising and lowering the bridge. The lifting posts at the north (operational) end of the bridge have rack gear (teeth) which must precisely mesh with the drive mechanisms. The delivery of the lifting posts has been delayed due to unanticipated issues with the intricate fabrication processes required for the north end lifting posts. Final shop inspection has been performed, verifying the strict tolerances, and the posts are scheduled to be delivered to the project site on January 23.

The Village will be experiencing a two-plus month delay beyond the February 26 scheduled opening date. Bottom line, for everyone – DOT, Contractor, Canals, Village – the bridge MUST be open and functional by the beginning of the navigation season in mid-May. The DOT will be meeting with Village government representatives as soon as the lifting posts are installed to present the updated schedule and answer questions. The most recent merchant concerns were shared with the Engineer in charge and by him with the DOT and contractor. Assemblyman Hawley’s office has been on the issue as well, expressing their concerns to the DOT regional office.

More information will be coming on what remains to be done to complete the bridge work.

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