Upcoming PHHS Second Monday presentations

Parma Hilton Historical Society (PHHS) offers monthly presentations and guest speakers covering a range of topics related to local history or of general interest. These meetings are held on the second Monday of the month at 7 p.m. in the Ingham Room at the Hilton Community Center, 59 Henry Street. They are free and open to the public.
On February 10, join Matt Rogers of The Lost Borough in exploring black history in Rochester, from the early beginnings of colonial settlement to modern day. Widely known as the adopted hometown of Frederick Douglass, Rochester has spent most of its history at the forefront of abolition, civil rights, and advancements in prosperity for all its citizens. While there are numerous instances of positivity for black heritage and culture in the Flower City, there were also times we didn’t get it right.
Future PHHS presentations are:
•March 10 – Rick Huff on “The War of 1812 and Parma Happenings”
•April 14 – Erica Wanecski on “State Run Poor Houses in the Rochester Area”
•May 12 – Derrick Pratt on “The Erie Canal Museum: Basics of the Erie Canal.” Presentation with some added bicentennial and Rochester area content.
For more information on the PHHS and its programs, visit https://www.parmahiltonhistoricalsociety.com.
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