Brockport looks to next steps with NYS Forward Award

The Village of Brockport is excited to proceed with its NY Forward Award.
In preparing the application, the Village and its partners were asked to submit at least $7 million in projects, to ensure that there would be enough community investment from developers and property owners to utilize the $4.5 million in state funding. All the projects listed in the proposal were deemed worthy in the evaluation of the application; however, all of these, plus any new projects, have to apply during the next phase.
The final slate of projects will be identified as part of the NY Forward process. The Department of State will be working with Village representatives to identify a Local Planning Committee, conduct and facilitate further public engagement, and work toward creation of a Strategic Investment Plan. Updates will be regularly shared with the public as soon as they become available.
Anyone wishing to fully understand the NY Forward process may review the Guidebook for 2024 applicants and awardees (2025 will be forthcoming):
To see how prior NY Forward award communities utilized their awards, look at two recent Strategic Investment Plans:
•Village of Medina:
•Village of Perry:
Those with additional questions may email Village Manager Erica Linden at
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