Hilton HS Student Council collects hundreds of gifts for children in need

The Hilton High School Student Council annually sponsors a gift drive for the Rochester Society for the Protection and Care of Children (SPCC), the country’s first child welfare abuse prevention agency.
This year’s drive was particularly successful with hundreds of toys and essential items being collected for children in the Rochester area to be given for the holidays. “We are very proud of this project. The High School main office conference room is literally filled with these gifts!” said Principal Brian Bartalo.
Shown here are (front, l-r) Student Council advisors Nicole Coppola and Dora Hayes; (back) Student Council members Sam Melita, Alex Steiger, Peter Shannon, Sarah Pirnie, Zoe Camillaci, Colleen Arnold, Jenny Coleman, Marielle Buss, Alexa Miles, Alyssa Reese, Jamie Lynn Seifert, Emily Mullen, Maddie Pickett and Hannah Malta.
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