Northwood fifth graders collect books and pajamas for children in need

Hilton fifth graders at Northwood Elementary School know the importance of cozy, warm pajamas and the joy of a good book. Together with Tory Williams’ first grade class, the students collected 226 pair of pajamas and 226 books to donate to children and family shelters with the community.
The book donation was made possible by Scholastic, which donates one children’s book for every pair of pajamas donated. Pajamas are given to the Pajama Program’s Rochester Chapter, which supplies new pajamas to children and adults that live in shelters, group homes, and orphanages.
Chapter President Karen Brown, Esq., who also serves as Monroe 2 – Orleans BOCES director of human resources, saw an article in “Redbook” magazine about the national program and hosted her first “pajama party” on New Year’s Eve 2011. “When I went to the website to contact the local chapter president to make arrangements for my donation, I was stunned to find there was no Rochester chapter,” she said. “Having lived in the Rochester area my entire life, and having experienced first-hand what a wonderful and generous community it is, I immediately set about to establish a chapter in Rochester.”
Brenda Mashiotta, fifth grade teacher a Northwood, organized the pajama drive in Hilton and says that it is an amazing opportunity for students to help those in need. Last year’s donation of 200 pairs of pajamas went to victims of Hurricane Sandy.
For information about the Pajama Program,
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