
Workshop promotes understanding of common core strategies

The Brockport Office of Instruction is presenting a workshop on Feb. 11, from 6:45 to 8 p.m. in the District Office Board Room for parents and interested parties to learn how teachers are utilizing the Evidence Collection Toolkit Guides and how they can be used at home to support children.

Brockport Central School District’s Office of Instruction is focused on offering support and guidance for teachers, administrators, the Board of Education around instructional strategies and feedback that increase overall teacher and leader effectiveness. They are providing an overview of the new Evidence Collection Tool Kits, developed by Student Achievement Partners (SAP). This modified set of tools supports capturing evidence of the instructional shifts in practice in classrooms and has been instrumental in helping teachers and administrators see the shifts at a deeper level in everyday practice.

Guides have been broken into ELA/Literacy, Literacy in Science & Technology, Literacy in History/Social Studies and Mathematics and organized into grade bands. Additionally, the guides have been separated into daily and yearly tools. They provide concrete examples of what the Core Actions for implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) look like in planning and practice.

The guides will help educators better understand how to teach lessons aligned to the Common Core State Standards.

“In a nutshell, the main goal is to constantly improve teacher instruction and its alignment to the Common Core and an approved evaluation rubric due to actionable, evidence-based feedback,” said Sue Hasenauer-Curtis, Assistant to the Superintendent for Elementary Instruction. “A deep understanding of the shifts demanded by the standards is critical to students becoming college and career ready.”

Contact the Instruction Office at 637-1818 for other information.

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