Holley Elementary School and Middle School/High School students participated in the All-County Music Festival in Medina on March 8. All-County involves students from schools across Orleans County and features performances by an elementary chorus, junior high band and high school chorus. Students who participate in the festival are selected by teachers based on musical achievement, effort and attitude. The All-County Music Festival is presented by the Orleans County Music Educators Association.
Holley Elementary School band students of teacher Hannah Bock: Front from left, Andrew Drechsel, Nathan Nothnagle and Colin Buesing. Second row, Katelynn Lipton, Bradley Kingdollar, Nathaniel Lonthair, Sarah Harrington and Kayleigh Neale. Back row, Matthew Gemerek, Jade Hoffarth, Rachel Killian, Megan Harrington and Christa Jacobs.
Holley MS/HS chorus students of teacher Kelly Marzano: Front from left, Kory Puente, Briana Colucci, Jessica Mandigo, Corinne Johnson and Brianna Hecht. Second row, Makenzie Ferranti, Andie Carpenter, Katie Morgan, Taylor Kimmerly, Alexis Penna, Claudia Drechsel. Back row, Eli Bibby, Dalton Thurley, James Skehan, Nick Smith, Matt DeSimone, Will Harrington and Matt Skehan. Missing from photo, Alice McAllister.
Holley MS/HS concert band students of teacher Dan Wakefield: Front from left, Meghan Clark, Nicolas Passarell, Ronnie DeWaal, Shelby Kunker. Back row, Isaac Miller, Emily Kordovich, Alyssa Young, Jen Hendel, Cole Quiter and Andrew Rowley.