Village Elementary students learn about being balanced from Miss New York Teen

Village Elementary School students in Hilton had a special guest at their third Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) assembly this year. Diana Marie Russo, Miss New York Teen and Hilton High School graduate, talked about the International Baccalaureate Learner Profile trait “Balanced.”
Russo said that she bought a crown at Disney World a few years ago as a constant reminder of her goal to become Miss New York Teen. Throughout her years in Hilton and now as a student at St. John Fisher College, she said she has to work hard to manage her time outside of school. Russo advised students to eat healthy, play a sport, and to be the same person online as they are in person. She also told the students to ask themselves, ‘What do I need to do to be successful? What do I need to do to reach my dream?’ ” Lastly, Russo told the students to surround themselves with people who will help them reach their dreams and to, in turn, support those around them.
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