Holy Childhood School cooks around the world!

The theme for Holy Childhood’s six week summer program was “World Cultures”, which tied nicely into their Healthy Highway curriculum. Each classroom in the School Program selected a country to study. Students studied a variety of countries including Thailand, Poland, England, Haiti and Italy. Each class explored the different foods, games, language and geography of the country. During the last week of the program, the students did a school-wide presentation on what they had learned and an International Cook-Off was held.
In addition, also part of Holy Childhood’s Healthy Highway curriculum, each classroom selected up to 20 words to study this summer. Students kept a food journal, featuring these three questions tracked in their journals, “what did you eat for breakfast, what did you eat for a snack and what did you eat for lunch?” Parents were asked to help their children track their healthy choices over the summer vacation break.
Also related to Holy Childhood’s Healthy Highway curriculum, classes increased their physical activity levels throughout the day, incorporating different ways to stay active, indoors and outside.
Provided Information and Photo by “The Healthy Highway” www.healthy-highway.com