Churchville-Chili releases budget, bus proposition and board election results
Proposition 1, the Churchville-Chili Central School District’s 2016-17 Budget of $82,563,092 was approved by the community, with a total of  598 “yes” votes to 242 “no” votes.
Proposition 2, which authorizes the district to purchase eight 66-passenger school buses, two thirty-passenger buses, and one wheelchair bus at an estimated maximum cost of $1,330,000, was passed with 604 “yes” votes to 232 “no” votes.
Candidates Steve Hogan, Kathy Dillon and Gary Lawniczak have been re-elected to the Board of Education, effective July 1, 2016 for three-year terms. They received 639, 605 and 593 votes, respectively. With a total of 526 votes, Leon Tucker was elected to complete the two-year and 44 day term vacated last fall due to a resignation. Marty Belfield received 323 votes.
“On behalf of the District and the Board of Education, we want to thank our community for their continued support in providing our students with the best educational opportunities possible. I am proud of the fiscal accountability of our Board of Education and district leaders in putting together a budget that balances the needs of our students with those of our taxpayers,” said Superintendent Lori Orologio.
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