Class of 1947 celebrates 69th anniversary

Several members of the Hilton High School class of 1947 observed the 69th anniversary of their high school graduation recently in August at Carmestro’s in Hilton. Nine class members along with several spouses, guests and widows of members joined together at what has become an annual event for the group. There were 38 in their graduating class 69 years ago. The group originally set their reunions for every five years until recently when it was suggested that perhaps they should meet every year, as the number of graduates attending was dwindling due to deaths or ill health. Attending were (left to right): James Mullen, Eleanor Kanous, Elmer Walters, Janette (Turgeon) Hundley, Shirley (Cook) Mendola, Mary (McCulloch) Wake, Reta (Scopes) Smith, Harold Radford and Doris (Graupman) Demske. They stand around a table holding their graduation photo, pictures of other reunions, and their high school yearbook. They say they all look forward to their 70th reunion in 2017.
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