Village Elementary gets excited about reading

Village Elementary School Principal Dr. Ben Rudd and Assistant Principal Stephanie Schaufelberger announced this year’s selection for One School, One Book in one very big way. Classes gathered in the gymnasium to hear the name of the book – “The Lemonade War” by Jacqueline Davies – and join either Dr. Rudd’s “pink team” or Ms. Schaufelberger’s “yellow team.”
Village students and their families will read “The Lemonade War” and encouraging others to read it as well as part of One School, One Book, a program designed to create a shared reading experience within a single elementary school community. Each school chooses a chapter book, every family in the elementary school receives a copy, and every family reads that book at home over the course of a single month. A group of students also presented copies of the book to the Board of Education and administrators on October 25.
This is the seventh year Village Elementary School in Hilton has participated in One School, One Book. In addition to the kick-off event, this is the second year that the school has held a “Night at the Village” event where families can pick up their free copies of the book and have fun doing reading-related activities.
This year, students could do a scavenger hunt around the school, read with dogs in the library, play games in the gymnasium, have their picture taken at a lemonade stand and blog with other students around the country about the book.
“The Lemonade War” tells the story of an exciting summer spent by a loving but competitive pair of siblings, Evan and Jessie Treski. At the end of the summer, Jessie, the younger and more academically inclined of the two, is delighted to learn that because she is skipping third grade, she will be in Evan’s fourth-grade class when school starts in a few days. To say the least, Evan is less than thrilled. The children’s personal conflict becomes a professional one as well, as they set out to outsell each other at their respective lemonade stands.
Studies have shown that reading to children helps them to listen better and longer, build bigger vocabularies, understand concepts better, feel positive about both books and learning – and more.
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