Brockport High School competes in Cardboard Boat Race

There was standing room only in the Brockport High School pool area during the annual Cardboard Boat Race held on February 10. Hundreds of students gathered to cheer on their fellow classmates as they took to the water to attempt a journey across the pool.
Eighteen teams participated in this year’s competition, which entailed the design and construction of boats made only out of cardboard and duct tape. The boats could not exceed six feet in length and two feet in width and needed to support the weight of a student.
On race day, the competitors placed their boats into the water and climbed on board. They each used a paddle to race down the length of the pool to their partners, then switched places with their partners who rowed back to the start. Some boats’ journeys ended sooner than others as they capsized or sank.
The race consisted of three preliminary heats, followed by a final heat. Senior Aaron Ennis and freshman Tyler Davies emerged victorious and won a gift card to Jimmy Z’s.
Technology and Engineering Teacher Marc Palmer began the cardboard boat races in 2008 to promote STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) involvement.
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