Third annual Hilton Cadet Connect Day focuses on communication

Students from Hilton High School and Merton Williams Middle School volunteered to be part of this year’s Cadet Connect, an opportunity for older students to mentor and form relationships with students in 60 classrooms at Hilton School District’s three elementary schools.
The program, in its third year, is a Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) initiative giving older and younger students the opportunity to work together on the International Baccalaureate (IB) approaches to learning skills: thinking, communication, social skills, self-management and research. The focus of this year’s Cadet Connect, held in February, was being a communicator, one of the 10 attributes in the IB learner profile.
The WAVE broadcast media students at the high school created a video titled, “We Love Hilton Schools Because…” The big cadets then interviewed the little cadets to get to know them better and worked with them on puzzle pieces that they could decorate any way they wanted to represent themselves. Other activities included playing games, making friendship bracelets and answering questions about what it’s like to be a student at the middle school or high school.
Both the high school and middle school students and elementary staff will have the opportunity to complete surveys so the Cadet Connect initiative can be built upon every year.
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