Local student honored to attend Empire Girls State

Ferris Goodridge American Legion Auxiliary Unit #330 announced that Lindsay Gallagher has been selected to attend Empire Girls State. This week-long leadership program, sponsored by the Department of New York American Legion Auxiliary, hosts 360 young women from New York State to engage in activities related to Americanism and participation in government. All will meet at SUNY Brockport from Sunday, July 2 through Saturday, July 8.
Lindsay Gallagher, daughter of Bob and Jan Marie Gallagher, is a high honor roll student who is a member of the National Honor Society and the Business Honor Society at Spencerport High School. She serves as club president for Model United Nations and is part of the DECA Business Club.
Mathlete Lindsay volunteers as a peer tutor and is president of Spencerport Girls Up club, an organization she founded. She also works as an employee in the school bookstore and has an internship at the American Diabetes Association. Lindsay is a lector at St. John the Evangelist Church and is her campus high school ambassador.
Lindsay’s new experience should expand her view about the integral part that individuals have within a democratic government.
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