Seventy-two students inducted into Hilton Chapter of NHS

Parents, Board of Education members, administrators and staff gathered on January 21 at Hilton High School to honor the induction of 72 students – 65 juniors and seven seniors – into the Hilton chapter of the National Honor Society (NHS). The high school chorale sang the National Anthem and advisors Carl Gaupp and Matthew Pietarinen welcomed attendees.
“Thank you for your dedication to our school and community,” said Principal Brian Bartalo. “Your leadership now and in the future is greatly needed and appreciated.” He also recognized the seven seniors being inducted for their hard work and perseverance.
This year’s keynote speaker, selected by the students, was high school math teacher Kendrick Krause. In his address, he referred to the song “The Sound of Silence,” most recently recorded by the band Disturbed. “Break the silence. Go out and be leaders, and listen to the words that people are saying and understand where they are coming from and what their words mean,” he said. “You do not have to agree with them, but you do have to listen. Krause went on to say, “When you enter this ever-changing world and take your place in society, remember the lessons you have learned. Take your values, morals and ethics with you. Listen to each other and hear what others are saying.”
National Honor Society officers – President Julia Marino, Vice President Mike Speciale, Secretary Emily Melita and Treasurer Katie Singleton – reviewed the four pillars of membership, which are scholarship, service, leadership and character.
Each inductee was called up on stage to have a parent place an NHS pin on his or her lapel and to sign the registry. Students then lit a candle and together recited the NHS oath. A reception followed the ceremony.
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