
Spencerport CSD adopts 2019-20 budget for community vote

One voting location at District Office

During its meeting on April 9, the Spencerport School Board of Education adopted a 2019-20 budget proposal, which totals $82.5 million and projects a 1.57 percent tax rate increase.

The expenditure plan, which will be presented to voters on Tuesday, May 21, includes a:

•projected tax rate of $24.05 per $1,000 of assessed home value, which is a 37-cent increase from last year. (The Board of Education sets the actual tax rate during the summer.)

•tax levy of $38.1 million, an increase of 2.32 percent, which is less than the 2.33 percent maximum allowable tax levy with exclusions.

•In addition to Proposition 1 (the budget), the community will vote on a second proposition to re-establish a classroom furniture and technology reserve with a $4 million maximum amount over six years.

The community budget vote on the 2019-20 proposal will be held from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Tuesday, May 21, at one location this year, District Office, 71 Lyell Avenue, Spencerport.

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